Home Builders Network Real Estate Agent Contract.

A.  Mutual agreement and duties.

  1. The Home Builders Network is a software company and is not a home builder or a real estate firm. Moving forward in this contract the term HBN refers to Home Builders Network and the term Agent refers to a licensed real estate agent.
  2. You must be a state licensed Real Estate Agent and have signed this contract to use HBN Software.
  3. This agreement can be terminated at any time without notice or reason, by either party.
  4. Agent must join the private Facebook group: “HBN – Agents”. In this group discussion you can share best practices, requested future improvements or trouble shooting problems.
  5. The agent is expected to follow all Procedures & Rules that are found and updated often in the password protected page: https://homebuildersnetwork.com/backend/agents/

B.  Procedures & Rules worth noting but not limited to- (As noted #5 above)

  1. Home Buyers Agreement- Must be completed by every home buyer and submitted to HBN before introducing to any builders.
  2. Surveys-  Must be filled out every time you introduce a new client to a builder.
  3. Commissions- To be paid the 3% by the Builder you must follow the Commission Procedures and submit the invoice directly to the builder.

C.  Legal Info

  1. This contract is automatically renewed every year until one party sends written termination of this agreement.
  2. In case of disagreement between Agent, HBN or Builder, binding arbitration will be the sole dispute resolution mechanism. The parties must file a written notice of binding arbitration with each other. Arbitration may not be filed after the date that a claim based on the dispute would have been barred in a judicial proceeding by the applicable statute of limitations or repose.
  3. The real estate agent, broker and their company hereby hold harmless HBN and the HBN staff for all liabilities, including cost to defend HBN and staff.

Agreement, By signing below you agree to the above terms of this Agreement. When updates to Procedures & Rules occur your continued use of the software is admission to agreeing to all updates.